~ GAA Australia Federal Conference | 23 May 2021 ~
Every year the Gemmological Association of Australia (GAA Australia) convenes its Annual Federal Conference in a capital city. Last year’s event in Perth (W.A.) was postponed due to statewide covid lockdowns. So, this year’s GAA 75th Annual Federal Conference will be held in Perth again, via localised hubs and online Zoom sessions. Part of this Conference includes a Gemmology Scientific Seminar.
This seminar will feature six International and Australian speakers and I am delighted to be one of them. I will be sharing my geological experiences as a (now retired) senior exploration geologist and provide stunning images of recent cutting work on the beautiful Marshall Pool chrysoprase and the world-class Beta Hunt gold in quartz/matrix.
I worked across the geologically world-famous Norseman-Wiluna (Green) Belt that includes Kalgoorlie and Kambalda where these gems are found. I earned my stripes as a pit geologist at the Tarmoola gold mine north of Leonora, and at the Mt Keith open-cut nickel mine as a senior resource geologist before moving further afield.
Schedule for 2021 GAA Federal Conference
All members and guests are invited to attend the Annual Federal Conference and the Annual General Meeting. The program includes:
Fri – Sat, 21–22 May: Committee meetings and Federal Council Meeting
Sun, 23 May: AGM and Gemmology Scientific Seminar
My presentation titled “Green and Gold” starts at 3.30pm (AWST) for a duration of 45 minutes. It will focus on some interesting stories and images of chrysoprase varieties recovered from Marshall Pool and gold from the Beta Hunt nickel mine. Make sure you tune in..!
My profile as a Gemmologist & Geologist